• Server Hacking

    Finally i am releasing Server Hacking video with the script for all my readers who have been waiting from some time for this... Your wait is over here it is

  • How To Hack - /cgi-sys/suspendedpage.cgi ~ Video Tutorial

    Many times you found that hacker posts the deface index with "/cgi-sys/suspendedpage.cgi" link e.g. www.site.com/cgi-sys/suspendedpage.cgi So, today we will learn how to do this..

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  • FUD Your Trojan

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 :: Bluetooth and mobile hacking software in one place ::

What this Bluetooth hacking software do ?

Heres' the SECRET 

Connect to to any mobile with the help of bluetooth then u can call to any person with ur mobile and and no. will be shown will the mobile u r connected to and and money will charged of the connected phone ::

U can send sms to the other mobile from the mobile u r connected ::
U can delete copy and even cut some items from his mobile to ur mobile ::

U can do bar code hacking  just insert bar code no.s and u get all the details 
U have dictionary of computer science, Hindi to English and vice versa words converter and English to Hindi dictionary

U can send free sms joining to free sms websites 
U can send sms at the time u want :: Fix the time and sms will be sent to the person 

U can lock ur personal folders 
U will have different types of music players

U will have opera mini 
U have some useful things of SEX like kamasutra too

Enjoy more then 85 applications of mobile and Bluetooth hacking 

TO download applications all in one time => Click on me :)

Countermeasures For Bluetooth hacking 

* All the softwares works well in Nokia phones 

** When someone asking for connection and ask for type in the pin :: here it hacking ur Bluetooth only samsung mobiles ask for pin 

*** Always close ur Bluetooth when its not in use :: two things happens u will save 20% of battery and will save from hacking 

**** always look into the person phone y is it asking, pin for ::

Computer Lab fun/hack

::Computer Lab Funs::

How to have some LOL funs in Computer Lab ?

Every one in college/schools/office have computer over there :: u can play pranks on ur friends and laugh out loudly 

Now how to play tricks and pranks 

Heres' the SECRET

There is a software name call ANGRY IP SCANNER

To download ANGRY IP SCANNER => Click on me :)

Now what to do 

Sit down at the last computer in computer lab :: as we all know that all computers are connected to each other with the help of hub or LAN wire  :: 
Now install angry ip scanner at the last computer u r sitting 

Open ur cmd (command prompt) type ipconfig and get ur computer's ip so that u may not shutdown ur computer 

Angry ip Scanner looks like this 

When scanner is instal :: run the angry ip scanner u will get all the ips of the computer :: select all the ip (except the computer u r sitting) and give the command shutdown from the command option given in menu :: and vollaaaa all the computer vl shutdown :: and every one think y the computer turned off


Make a shutdown bactch file command

Or download the shutdown batch file command => Click on me :)

After making or downloading the file :: put this file in the startup folder 
navigate to startup folder => C:/programdata/microsoft/windows start menu/programs/startup

Now when ever someone open this computer this file will be activated and computer will shutdown ::


Now open run window (window key + R ) 

Type this command 

shutdown -s -t 15 -c "You are buffalo" Or what ever u want 

this command is shutdown computer after 15 sec 

and to shutdown computer at a particular time here is the command

at 11:45 AM or PM shutdown -s -t 00 

now what this command does is this shutdown computer at particular time ::: so if someone is working on that computer and when this time comes the computer will shutdown and person will think for a while what had happen :: y the computer shutdown 

source:- prasoon-nigam




                A self-contained operating environment that behaves as if it is a separate computer. For example, Jave applets run in a Java virtual machine (VM) that has no access to the host Operating system. This design has two advantages: 

  • System Independence: A Java application will run the same in any Java VM, regardless of the Hardware and Software underlying the system.
  • Security: Because the VM has no contact with the operating system, there is little possibility of a Java program damaging other files or applications.
The second advantage, however, has a downside. Because programs running in a VM are separate from the operating system, they cannot take advantage of special operating system features. 

System virtual machines

  • multiple OS environments can co-exist on the same computer, in strong isolation from each other
  • the virtual machine can provide an instruction set architecture (ISA) that is somewhat different from that of the real machine
  • application provisioning, maintenance, high availability and disaster recover
The main disadvantages of VMs are:
  • a virtual machine is less efficient than a real machine when it accesses the hardware indirectly
  • when multiple VMs are concurrently running on the same physical host, each VM may exhibit a varying and unstable performance (Speed of Execution, and not results), which highly depends on the workload imposed on the system by other VMs, unless proper techniques are used for temporal isolation among virtual machines.
Multiple VMs each running their own operating system (called guest operating system) are frequently used in server consolidation, where different services that used to run on individual machines to avoid interference are instead run in separate VMs on the same physical machine.

Imp Note ::
                        If u have a windows 98 O.S running in your system :: just install virtual machine and you can run windows 7 and linux and evey O.S u want ::

Virtual machine is very helpful for the beginners who have started studying learning ethical hacking :::  make virus run on virtual machine this will not make any damage to your system

Virtual machine help to make work on any software :: it will help ya in everything you want ::

Download Virtual machine => Click one me 

Add ur image in a mp3 file

Amazing thing when a song played on ur cell phone and ur image is shown instead of movie poster ?

Many of u think what a big deal in this::

But i like and i share it with all my friends and readers of my blog ::

Like i feel i am ricky bahl :: so when ever song is played "aadat se majboor" in my phone i hate the poster of the film so i thought let it be me over there as the poster so worked on it how to change the poster of the film even its has the extension of .mp3 (voo great na)

Every one must be thinking what a big deal in this this can be done in windows movie maker or something like that software ::
But the big deal is how change the poster in song having the extension of .mp3 now this is a big deal 

So to change the movie poster in any poster or ur photo poster ::


what all u need is 2 software 

1st software is format factory 
to download the software => click on me :)

2nd software is mp3tag
to download the software => Click on me :)

Download songs from the websites u like 

i give u some link   just click on them u will boom to the website 

=> http://songspk.pk/

after downloading song from these website or any website 

then open the software format factory and convert the mp3 song in to mp3 :: ya u must be thinking WTF i am saying this but doing this u remove the poster of the film the song u have downloaded 
ok after doing this open the software mp3tag

this the software view 

now here are the steps how to do it ::

step* open the software

step** click on file and then click on change directory
          a new window will open now go the folder were u keep safe ur songs

step*** all the songs will be displayed and then select the song u want to add ur image

step**** now see the arrow in the figure were it is pointer to right or second click on it and there will be a option add cover and click on it and a window will open and select ur photo or image that u want to tag and volllaaaa u r done with it ::

step***** now open ur song and see ur image while playing ur fav. song...

For This Trick we humble thank to our first admin

source :- prasoon-nigam

Optimizing a blog or website with search engine (Urdu)..

Optimizing a blog or website with search engine (Urdu)

Agar ap WebSite ya blog k Owner hai to apki ye khwahish hogi k apke blog ya WebSite ko log zyada Visit kary. Is k liye Aap ne kya krna hai..


Web ya Blog ko Promote krny se pehle SEO (Search Engine Optemizer) ki Cource ka mushahida krna zaruri hota hai.


Web ya Blog ki Traffic brhane k kai tariqe hai,  Pehla tariqa apne WebSite ya Blog ko Search Engine me shamil krna hai, Lekin is se pehle chand Settings krni zaruri hai, wo ye k apne Blog ya WebSite me META TAGS shamil krna hai..


Aap ne blogger me Blog banai hai, to Aap easily apne Blog k Templete me META TAGS laga skte hai. Design Tab me ja kr Template me jaye waha Coding hogi us me

<Meta ...... Esa tag hoga us k niche ye like. <meta name="keywords" contents="yaha apne WebSite ya Blog k Keywords likhey" />


Ab dusre Line me ye likey.

<meta name="description" content="yaha apne Blog k mutaliq kuch likhey." />


Is k likne k bad Save pr Click kr k Blog ko View kary....


In tmam Settings k bad ab Aap ka Blog/WebSite Search Engine me Add krne k qabil hogaya hai. Sub se pehle ise Google Search Engine me lagae



visit: www.google.com/addurl/ is Page pe apne WebSite ka Name, apni Email or WebSite k mutaliq kuch likey or Submit button Click kary


Yaad rakke k apki WebSite 1 Month k bad Add hogi is liye sabar karey. Google ahista ahista apke WebSite pe Crawling karega.


Fun with Terminal/Konsole Backtrack 5

I know hacking is great fun but sometimes we want some fun rather then hacking 
i mean to say to impress someone :: to show how we work with backtrack and to show backtrack is easy and i play with backtrack

Now here is some fun with Backtrack Terminal / Konsole


To see the Video tutorial => Click on me :)

what u gonna do is open ur terminal 
and type in there 

apt-get install cmatrix and hit enter